Posts tagged ‘cookie’

October 4, 2012

Gluten free, soy free cookie

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Gluten free cookie.
Trying new recipes in the kitchen today. Hope to share the “no mistake” recipe soon!



June 6, 2012

Choc orange cookie in 20 min

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.

20120607-090614.jpg I ran out of muffins yesterday, and was planning to do another batch, but remembering there was some orange peel in the fridge, I decided to make a choc orange cookie instead!

This is is a modified version of my no-egg, no butter, no sugar cookie, and today, I didn’t even add maple syrup to it!  Because there is plenty of choc chip in it alreday, I thought, “Oh well, I’ll give it a miss” and the result was YUM YUM!


I have to wait till Yumi comes home (she’s at day care now) so she can taste test it.


But I can assure you it’s super easy, and everything (including the baking and cleaning) was done in less than 20min. So, if you need some snack to give your kids in a hurry, try this recipe!


Ingredients (to make 15 cookies)

-200g Organic plain flour

-100g Organic dark chocolate (with more than 70% cacao)

-1 teaspoon Aluminium free baking powder

-1 pinch salt (This is NEW!)

-2 Tablespoon Organic orange rind marmalade

-60g Rice bran oil

-70g Organic soy milk (I added extra soy to match the liquid consistency, if you want to add maple syrup to the recipe, you can do 30g Maple syrup and 40g Soy milk, like in my original recipe)


Method (Well, it’s one step)

Step 1:Pre heat oven to 180C; Put all the ingredients in the food processor and blend for about 30sec, or until the chocolate is chopped,  drop spoonful onto a baking sheet and cook in 180C oven for 12min.


While the cookie is baking, clean your bowl and everything is done! Hope you enjoy it 🙂



April 29, 2012

Grandma’s Rock Cake

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi, this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.


I think the passion and love for cooking inside me comes from my grandparents, who used to live in the countryside of Japan near the sea. Every time we visited them for a holiday, Grandpa would take us fishing to catch something, and Grandma would cook the catch of the day in her small kitchen.

She also had this funky gadget you put on a gas stove, and it became an oven! With that “Magic Box”, she would bake us cream puffs and cookies and many other things that a child would only dream about. This rock cake was one of our favorite, and she would bake it and send it in parcels to us when the holiday was over.

I made some arrange to it by cutting out the butter and using dates, but as long as you know the basic recipe, you can play around with it!

My recommendation is to use at least one type of dried fruit, and one type of nuts. Basic combinations are:

Raisins + Walnuts

Apricots + Almonds

Cranberry + Macademia

You can also put in things like sesame, cooked beans(Adzuki beans or red kidney beans are my favorites), or rolled oats. It’s difficult to make a mistake, so use your imagination and enjoy!!


Basic Rock Cake Recipe (makes about 15-20 cookie size cakes)

-220g (or 2cups) Organic wholemeal flour

-1 teaspoon Aluminium free Bakin Powder

-30g (or 2 Tablespoon) Organic raw sugar

-2 Tablespoon shredded coconuts

-3 Dates, chopped

-2 Tablespoon walnuts, chopped

-1 egg

-2 Tablespoon Oil

-4 Tablespoon Organic Soy milk



Step 1 : Mix all the dry ingredients (flour, BP, sugar, coconuts, dates, nuts)  in a large bowl; In a separate bowl mix all the wet ingredients (egg, oil, soy milk)


Step 2 : Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, combine using a spatula. Make a round dome shape cake about Tablespoon size on a cooking tray, bake in pre-heated 180C oven for 12min, or until golden on top.


Soooo easy, and it will last in an airtight container for about 3-4 days. Hope you enjoy making it with your kids!



April 17, 2012

Gluten Free Cookie

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.

My daughter Yumi has been teething for the past few days, and she is having a very picky appetite. No more muffins, as she prefers to bite on something harder. I have been giving her non-salt low-fat crackers, but it has come to a point that she is eating too much of it, so I decided to make something for her  myself.

 It is a cookie made from rice flours! Because it doesn’t contain any butter, it is crispy and crunchy in a way. I hope she likes it. This recipe is gluten free, no-egg, no-butter, and no-sugar, so it’s great for everyone! I hope you enjoy it too!!


Ingredients (will make about 40 bite-size cookies)

-100g Rice flour

-50g Glutinous  rice flour

-20g Organic cocoa powder OR 20g Almond meal

-5g Aluminium Free Baking powder

-1 pinch salt

-2 Tablespoon Maple Syrup

-2 Tablespoon Oil (I used Extra virgin olive oil)

-1/2 to 2/3 cup boiling water

Making it is so easy, and the best part is you don’t have to rest it!

Step 1: Put all the ingredients except boiling water in a food processor and mix for about 30 seconds, until everything is blended. It may be crumbly but take it out in a large bowl.

Step 2: Add boiling water little by little, beating well each time with a wooden spoon until the dough becomes like your earlobe.

Step 3: Roll out about 3mm thick, cut out into desired shape and bake in pre-heated 170C oven for 10 to 12 min.

As you can see from the photo, I made half almond and half coco. This will keep in an airtight container for about a week, but I don’t think it’ll last that long because they taste great!

April 9, 2012

Peanut Butter Cookie, Vegan

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.


The challenge to show “What you can make from 1kg of flour” continues, and cookie making is not always my best talent. But this “No mistake” recipe helped me a lot to bring smiles on my friends and families. Just be careful not to over bake, and being a very crumbly cookie, best recommended to be eaten on the spot rather than putting them in lunch boxes!

INGREDIENTS (to make 20*7cm cookies)

-220g Organic Wholemeal Flour

-1 teaspoon Aluminium free Baking Powder

-1 pinch Salt

-100g Organic Peanut butter, unsalted

-100cc Oil (I used vegetable oil)

-4 Tablespoon Organic Maple Syrup


Step 1: Mix all the dry ingredients (flour, BP, salt) in medium sized bowl, and all the wet ingredients (peanut butter, oil, maple syrup) in a differen bowl.


Step 2: Add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients and mix.


Step 3:Pre-heat oven to 180C, spread the cookie mix on an oven tray lined with baking paper and bake for 12min, or until the edges become golden. Rest 5 min outside of oven, the cool on cake wrack.


The nutty taste is unstoppable! You can make this with honey as well, but then it doesn’t become Vegan. I hope you like it!


April 5, 2012

What to do with 1kg of Flour

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.

As a mum of a very hungry baby (Yumi turned 18 months and eats more than her 3 year old cousin!), it is important for me to have healthy and easy snacks handy to keep my baby happy. She grew up with my home made snacks, and I think I bake about twice a week.


These photos were taken before she was 1, and you can see her enthusiasm to eat 🙂

I buy organic flour, which is about $4 a kg, so it is a bit expensive than regular flour, but when I think of the amount that Yumi eats, it is very worth the cost.

With 1kg of flour, I tried making different things to show you the variety. There are always muffins to bake ( I bake more than 1000 mini muffins a year!)

 This is Pumpkin muffin with nutmeg, using my basic healthy muffin recipe. I like this recipe because it has a lot of vegetable in it, and no sugar! You can add the sweetness with maple syrup or fruit preserves (also home made)

 Another one of my favorite is Biscotti! The trick to cooking this is baking it twice! I make it with my daughter (she loves to mix!) and this is good because you don’t have to worry too much about being over beaten. A great take out snack, keeps Yumi quiet until she finishes 1 stick!

 This scone is made with yeast, and needs to spend a night in the freezer, but can be stocked in the freezer for about 2 weeks, so usually, I make a batch and keep it there to have fresh oven baked scone whenever I feel like! A great recipe to use up THAT veggie too 🙂

 I don’t bake cookies as much as other things, but this no egg, no butter, no sugar recipe was too good not to share! A bit crumbly so I won’t recommend it giving to kids like Yumi who wants to run around while they eat! This cookie taught her manners, always sit when you eat!

 This looks like my Healthy mini muffins, but they are 3 times bigger and NOT BAKED!! Instead, it is steamed, and takes less than 20 min to prepare and cook! A very good snack or even a breakfast, just be careful with the steam!

Each of these recipes use 200 to 250g of flour, and they are all easy and tasty, so why not give them a try with your kids? I can’t wait to do more baking with my daughter 🙂