Posts tagged ‘Sushi Art’

September 20, 2012

Sushi Art class for October

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi, this is KK, Sushi Artist/ Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.


We had guests coming from Japan in August and September, so there were lots of cooking to do. I love it when there are lots of people around, another excuse to cook some extra meals.

Now that they are all gone, and all I have to do is count down until our end of year holiday, why not enjoy cooking some more Sushi Art!
Menus for October



Dates for Classes in October 2012:24th (Wed), 25th (Thur)

Menus will change every month. I try to be seasonal as possible, and October is a good chance to roll these Spooky Sushi!










You can come with your baby/toddler and take a lesson in the same room with your child! However, as it is not a childcare facility, please look after your own child. The class will be conducted in a way so that you can alway give your baby a cuddle when they become a bit restless. If it becomes too difficult, you are welcome to observe and take a substitute class on a different day. I know what it’s like to cook with babies!

Time: 10:30-13:00 (Please stay longer if possible for sit down taste-testing time, drinks and miso soup provided with 2 slices of sushi made by me)

Place: Private home in North Shore (Address given at time of enquiry)

Cost: $50 per person (Includes ingredients, recipe to take home, sit down lunch)

Class size: 2-4 people

What to bring: Apron and a box to take home your sushi

For bookings and further enquiries: Please send me a message or leave a comment, and I’ll get back to you:-) There’s an event page in my Facebook too!

Thank you and hope to see you soon!

Thankou all for coming to the Sushi Art classes in May. A class for Mums were full of laughter with babies crawling and toddlers rolling sushi with his mum! My classes are easy and fun for people of all ages and everyone loves to eat what they made!

Menus for June


-Clover (Vegan)

Dates for Classes in June 2012:20th (Wed), 21st (Thur)

Menus will change every month.

You can come with your baby/toddler and take a lesson in the same room with your child! However, as it is not a childcare facility, please look after your own child. The class will be conducted in a way so that you can alway give your baby a cuddle when they become a bit restless. If it becomes too difficult, you are welcome to observe and take a substitute class on a different day. I know what it’s like to cook with babies!

Time: 10:30-13:00 (Please stay longer if possible for sit down taste-testing time, drinks and miso soup provided with 2 slices of sushi made by me)

Place: Private home in North Shore (Address given at time of enquiry)

Cost: $50 per person (Includes ingredients, recipe to take home, sit down lunch)

Class size: 2-4 people

What to bring: Apron and a box to take home your sushi

For bookings and further enquiries: Please send me a message or leave a comment, and I’ll get back to you:-) There’s an event page in my Facebook too!

Thank you and hope to see you soon!

September 12, 2012

Thank you for coming to Sushi Art Class

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.

20120912-161441.jpg We had a fun time making Panda Sushi and Train Sushi today!

Thank you for coming 🙂


It was the first time to do a Sushi Art class at my new house, and  things were everywhere, but I hope everyone had a fun time.


At least, the sushis were popular! Too cute to eat 🙂





We used Plum Vinegar to season the rice today, and it went great. I think it’s much easier and healthier, especially if you want to eat sushi often. Sushi vinegar sold at supermarkets are quite high in white sugar, so be careful if you are on a diet!


Next month, we will be making HALLOWEEN Sushi! I can’t wait to share the photos 🙂


Enjoy your food!

September 10, 2012

Panda family!

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる





A great way to teach Yumi how to count and Eat!

She was saying “Papa Panda, Mama Panda, Yumi Panda, Panda one, two, three” and started to eat from the ears.




September 10, 2012

Sushi Art Class for September

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Preparing for Sushi Art class this week!


We will be rolling and connecting trains! Kid’s dream?  They love to eat these!


June 25, 2012

Sushi Art Class for July 2012

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.

It’s July already, school holiday season again! My Sushi Art classes are open for Mum and Kids, so if you want to bring your elder children along, please feel free to do so. Kids can roll their own sushi for additional $15/child, so why not give them a sushi rolling experience once in a while?
Menus for July







-Frog (Vegan)


Dates for Classes in July 2012:11th (Wed), 12th (Thur)

Menus will change every month.

You can come with your baby/toddler and take a lesson in the same room with your child! However, as it is not a childcare facility, please look after your own child. The class will be conducted in a way so that you can alway give your baby a cuddle when they become a bit restless. If it becomes too difficult, you are welcome to observe and take a substitute class on a different day. I know what it’s like to cook with babies!

Time: 10:30-13:00 (Please stay longer if possible for sit down taste-testing time, drinks and miso soup provided with 2 slices of sushi made by me)

Place: Private home in North Shore (Address given at time of enquiry)

Cost: $50 per person (Includes ingredients, recipe to take home, sit down lunch)

Class size: 2-4 people

What to bring: Apron and a box to take home your sushi

For bookings and further enquiries: Please send me a message or leave a comment, and I’ll get back to you:-)

Thank you and hope to see you soon!

June 15, 2012

Flower Sushi to brighten your plate

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.

20120615-124548.jpg June is half gone already, time flies, doesn’t it? The weather hasn’t been so great, and I thought something like this would cheer you up on a rainy day.


Flower Sushi Art!!

In this month’s Sushi Art class, we are making simple flowers to make your plate very pretty.  If you are interested, please join me  in my class 🙂


Hope to see you soon!


May 16, 2012

Egg cooker (Tamago-yaki-ki)

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.

When I visit my Indian friends, they have a frying pan for cooking rotis. My Chinese friends would have a steamer, and some of my Korean friends have those stone bowls for serving Bibimbap.

20120516-151032.jpg So, when you visit a Japanese household, what can you find?

A sukiyaki-pan?

A tempura deep frying pan?

A mortar and pestle (Suri-bachi)?

I am not sure, but as a Japanese who loves to cook, I try to be a minimalist and try not to own too many things.

This was something I debated till the last minute and DIDN’T PACK in my original moving boxes. However, I went back to Japan and bought it last Christmas.

It is a frying pan for cooking eggs, and you can make it nice and square!

YES, you can make this with a normal frying pan (you do need some techniques).

YES, it is only used to cook eggs (you can stir fry other things, but I want to damage the surface as little as possible, so at the moment it is only used for cooking eggs).

YES, maybe I should have given it a second thought, but I did buy it, brought it (on an airplane!) and I AM HAPPY, so that’s good.

And guess who else is happy?

YUMI! She loves my eggs so much that she can’t stop eating it and asks for more.

To learn how to cook YUMMY ROLLED EGGS, come to my Sushi Art class, and you will learn the secret!

Wednesday classes are full, but there are seats available for 24th (Thur). Hope to see you soon!

May 4, 2012

Sushi Art Class for May 2012

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker/ Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.


I already made announcements about the Sushi Art Class in May, but here are some of the photos of what we are going to make!

 It’s the classic “UME-NO-HANA” meaning “Plum Flower”

I made this at a kid’s class during the school holidays, and a girl as young as 5 was rolling it and having fun, so it should be enjoyable for anyone! My daughter Yumi loves eating this, because you can “break” it into small parts, and she can hold it in her hands as she nibbles on it!





Another one we will be making is a “CAR”

A favorite for children, especially boys. We can make this in pink, orange or green, so have your pick! Very balanced and tasty,  with veggies and proteins. If you prefer to make this vegan, please let me know in advance.


The classes in May are on 23rd (Wed) and 24th (Thur) from 10:30-13:00 with a sit down lunch. Seats are limited to please let me know if you are interested in joining us.


You can e-mail me at takusagawa.kaoru(at) (Please change the (at) to @) or message me through facebook!




April 19, 2012

Carrots for Rabbits?

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artisit / Healthy Muffin  Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.


My final Sushi Art for April, I decided to make a different rabbit using carrots!

 Can you tell that compared to yesterday’s rabbit, the colors are a bit different? This is because instead of using beetroot as a color source, I used grated carrots! It came out to be nice orange, and tasted good too!


This could be told by a 15months old baby girl, just like my daugher Yumi, loved the sushi so much, she ate 1 heart and 3 rabbit ears! I am so happy to see baby eating well. Reminds me of my own when I am away.



Rabbit teaches you a basic technique to make other animals as well, and it is loved by kids all the time. Being vegan, it is suitable at any situation, and is a popular party treat!


Next month, we will be making Cars and the basic Plum flower, also popular amongst kids.  Hope to see you again soon!



April 18, 2012

Rabbit and Heart Sushi Art

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.


Today was Sushi Art class for April, and even in this WET WET WET weather, we had plenty of fun! It was so fun, I forgot to take photo during the class, but here is what we made!


When Yumi came home from child care and found this sushi on the table, she started singing

“Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit!”

in a funny tune, grabbed hold of the rabbit face, and took a large bite from it.



Quite amazing to see a 19 month old baby eating sushi on her own in such happiness. I guess it is easy for her to eat because she can hold it in her hand, and shove it in when necessary. Everything is precooked, and already has a taste, so no need for soy sauce!


I hope we have lots of fun tomorrow too!