Posts tagged ‘Chickpea’

June 25, 2012

Very Easy Chickpea Cake

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.

When I was organizing a bake sale to raise money for children affected by the earthquake in Japan, one of my playgroup mother told me that her daughter was allergic to flour. That makes it very difficult for her to eat cakes, so I tried to bake something  that she could eat that looked and tasted like every other sweets that is sold at a bake sale.

Yes, this cupcake is made from chickpea, and does not use any flour at all.

It is easy to make, just mix everything in the food processor and it’s done!

Just a  quick warning before you start, it does contain eggs and nuts, so it may not suit children with egg allergy and nut allergy. Also, when you are purchasing chocolate, make sure that they are gluten free. You can buy gluten free chocolate at health food shops, so just give a quick check!

Ingredients (to make 10 regular cupcakes)

-1 can Organic chick peas (when drained, about 240g)

-150g gluten free white chocolate

– 3 eggs

-100g Organic raw sugar

-50g Dried Apricots

-50g Almond meal

-1t Aluminium free Baking powder


Step 1: Melt white chocolate in microwave, Heat the oven at 180C, Line baking tin with paper

Step 2: Mix all the ingredients in a food processor for 45-60sec, or until everything is combined, Divide the mixture into baking tin and bake on 180C for 15-20min, test with a skewer to make sure it’s cooked.

Simple? Yes.

Tasty? Yes.

Much sweeter than what I usually make, but the taste was yum 🙂 For Yumi, I might cut out the sugar and add extra apricots and coconuts. You can prepare your own chickpea, you would need about 1 cup cooked chickpeas(240g). Hope you like this recipe 🙂

May 6, 2012

Chickpea Burger

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artist / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.


I am experimenting on how to make a Vegan burger, using all sorts of different veggies and lentils. I’ve tried kidney beans, soy beans, mung beans, potatoes, pumpkins and lotus roots. There has been success and failure (^-^;), but the one I’m introducing today is a definite success. My daughter Yumi ate 2 of it with her own hands, to the taste is Yumi-waranteed!

 By the looks of it, it really looks like a normal hamburger patties, doesn’t it? It taste similar to burgers too, but no meat, no egg, no nothing!


The key to success is making the patties rather small. You can compare it to my pumpkins and zucchinis behind it and imagine the relative size. This is to make it easier to flip it over on your frying pan when cooking.


I used caraway seeds as an accent herb, and that made it a great success, but you can use any herb of your choice. I might try basil or oregano one day, and see how it turns out!


Ingredients (to make 7 small patties)

-2/3 cup (100g) Organic chic peas, soaked overnight and cooked (you can use canned beans for this to make it easier)

-1/2 medium size Onion

-2 Tablespoon Organic plain flour

-1/2 teaspoon Caraway seeds, or herb of your choice

-1/2 teaspoon Soy sauce



Step 1: Put all ingredients in a food processor and mix on high for 30 sec.


Step 2: Make small patties, smaller than the size of your palm and cook on frying pan with a little bit of olive oil. Cook one side for 8 min, FLIP ONCE, and cook for another 6min.


So easy, yet so tasty. I think it is OK to be served hot or cold, didn’t have the chance to try it cold because we ate it all for dinner! Enjoy 🙂




March 7, 2012

Chickpea Tofu

by 田草川(たくさがわ)かおる

Hi this is KK, Sushi Artisit / Healthy Muffin Maker / Mum 🙂

Thank you for visiting my blog.

I stopped eating meat about 6 years ago, about the time when I started cooking organics. Now, I do eat meat when it is served, and I do cook meat for my husband, but I prefer to eat vegetables and beans. In that sense, I am not a strict vegan nor vegetarian, but someone who loves to eat veggies and is on a search for a nice veggie dish.

This is something different, but I find it really nice to eat on a hot summer day.

It is tofu made from chickpeas!!


Unlike the tofus sold at stores, this is silky and soft, so I recommend serving it in a bowl with some sauce. Actually you can eat this with soy sauce or with maple syrup!

Trust me they are both nice in its own way.

Making it is not difficult, just a bit messy, but if you try in and like it, I think you will repeat making it like me!!


Ingredients (makes about 6 regular muffin tin)

-1 cup Chickpea; soaked in 3 cup water overnight

-2 cup Water

-1 pinch salt

To cook

Step 1: Drain the chickpea and mix in food processor on medium to high speed for 45-60sec

Step 2: Add water and salt, mix again for  another 60sec, or until it becomes smooth.

Step 3: Squeeze the mixture over cloth into a sauce pan (THIS IS THE MESSY PART!!), do it in 5-6 batches; cook on medium heat, stirring continuously

Step 4: Pour into container and cool, when cold enough to put in fridge, let it set

You will have about 2 cups of chickpea leftover, DO NOT throw them out!

It is full of fiber, and has good use to it, I will introduce what you can do with it in the next blog.


Messy, yet tasty, this can be made a day ahead of serving, so I recommend not to make it on the day of a special event. Prepare early, and earn those smiles from your loved ones!



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